Slides of the “Rencontres LabNbook 2021”

This year, the “Rencontres LabNbook” gathered about 2/3 of distance participation and 1/3 of presence participation. This bimodal organization seems to be appreciated by the participants. For our part, we conclude that distance communication is convenient but that presence communication is convivial!

The slides in french used during the afternoon:

New functions in LabNbook

These last 10 months, many innovations have been added to LabNbook. The most important are:

  • The translation in English language.
  • A new role of « manager » that enables the manager to add teachers in LabNbook and to manage teams of teachers. Anyone interested by this new role should make a request to
  • A new restoration module that enables students to restore any version of their LabDocs.
  • The drawing tool with new science images libraries: electricity, fluids mechanics, optics, chemistry glassware, and soon chemical engineering. If other libraries are needed, it is possible if you provide images in the SVG format.
  • A new version of the equations’ editor EpsilonWriter, with better LaTeX support.

You can find more details on the new functions on the changelog page.

The “Rencontres LabNbook” will be held on June 29th

If it’s possible, the « Rencontres LabNbook » should be held in a co-modal organization. The presence conferences will be situated on the Grenoble Campus, and will be transmitted online. Locations and Zoom links will be communicated after your registration.

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